Wednesday, September 28, 2011

0 Raya ke?

Bila aku dah mula lama tak update blog dan tetiba datang satu masa aku melompat dalam blog secara tiba-tiba untuk update, fahamlah, ada la mendanya tu kan.

Baru tadi ada majlis raya untuk kos aku. Aku xexpect lebih pun cumanya harap majlis berjalan lancar dengan keberkatan, tu yang penting.

Malang sebenarnya, lancar memang lancar (walaupun kekurangan makanan). Diorang ada cakap ada persembahan daripada junior2 baru. Ok. Aku expect macam nyanyian ataupun tarian tradisional ke apa. Who knows, diorang buat tarian.

Memang, zaman Rasulullah S.A.W. dulu pun nabi benarkan hiburan pada hari raya, sebab untuk meraikan hari raya tu. Tapi agak-agakla buat persembahan. Sebelum aku pegi majlis tadi, aku dah sebut kat budak atas katil aku, aku cakap, ada persembahan, mesti lagha.

Tak sangka, bukan setakat lagha, malah penuh kemaksiatan. Guys, girls, those who called themselves Muslim, don't you guys feel ashamed to watch such performances? Yang non-muslim nak menari tu lantak dia la, tapi yang muslim pakai tudung siap menari sama. Tapi yang non-muslim buat persembahan menari tu pun agak-agakla. Pengertian raya tu lebih mendalam untuk dipenuhi dengan persembahan yang (censored) macam ni.

Aku ingat satu je tarian diorang buat, tengok-tengok semua penuh dengan tarian. Hello?? Kalau pro macam dalam "So You Think You Can Dance" tu ok la jugak. Ke macam senior tahun lepas yang terer menari Bharata Natyam (walaupun tak berkaitan dengan raya, tapi at least takde la rasa macam pegi majlis maksiat je).

I can take one dance, but the whole performances were all dancing performances??? C'mon, can't you guys think something better? Muslim junior, it goes to your shoulder when you hold such event to educate the rest about what raya is all about.

Kita sambut raya, kita disuruh bergembira, tapi batas, hukum dan ajaran agama Allah masih berjalan seperti biasa. Takdenye raya, tetiba kita cakap, oo raya, boleh buat apa saja. No, that's not the way. Funny and ironic how short their thinking had been to perform such dancing.

I was there, I thought of leaving the hall. But I was at the front, it would look improper for me to leave the ceremony and not coming back when it's too obvious at the front. So, from overall performances, I took less than 1 minute on every performance, just for a glance and felt uneasiness along with disgust. From the moment the first performance started, I logged on my facebook (Alhamdulillah my hp can log in the internet) and just read articles posted there instead of watching such performance.

Some might say, you are being negative, bla bla bla, and some might look me at a very different angle and a very different manner. Some might say, I did not appreciate all their hard work and effort to hold the raya event. Sorry, I'm just being me, expressing what I think is right for me and for everyone else to ponder. This sort of thing is just not meant for me. And I chose to walk a different path than any other youth or youngster might take.

p.s.: Disappointed, disgust, felt very sinful to attend such event. Tak pernah pulak rasa macam ni masa pegi mana-mana event kat London/Paris/Greece. Guys, you guys are going overboard than those people you blamed to have brought the so-called "Budaya Kuning" from the Western Country. Think...


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