Thursday, May 27, 2010

0 Here We Go! American Idol 2010!

Weee aku baru je habis tengok american idol untuk tahun ni live kat star world tadi. Very interesting competition, very good singer. So Lee won the competition.

To be honest, I think that Crystal deserved to win. She has a good voice plus on her last night performance, she did a very great job with the songs. On the other hand, Lee made several mistakes which I consider not supposed to happen when you already hit that level.

Apa2pun, Lee dah menang dan dia layak untuk menang camne pun sebab sedikit masalah dengan nyanyian tu boleh berlaku pada sesiapa termasuk artis2 yang dah bergelar artis sekarang pun. Aku rasa Lee menang sebab macam apa yang Kara DioGuardi kata, Lee sangat mudah untuk dicapai. Setiap nyanyian dia memudahkan orang untuk menyentuh perasaan yang dia bawa masa menyanyi.

Final american idol sebenarnya bukan setakat menobatkan pemenang untuk tahun ni tapi juga banyak lagi mesej lain. Aku akan sambung pasal tu nanti. Sekarang masa untuk World of Warcraft! haha

Thursday, May 6, 2010

0 The Lost Ancient City - Treasure Hunter

Ok, jadi baru semalam aku dapat tengok filem The Treasure Hunter. Filem ni filem mandarin yang daripada tahun lepas lagi dah kuar. Aku tengok trailer dia dan dapat merasakan aura yang hebat daripada filem ni. Ye la kan, kalau cerita pasal artifak, harta karun semua ni, kita tengok selalunya dalam filem barat je. So ni first time dihasilkan oleh orang asia, chinese lagi kan, so aku expect kung fu tak berkesudahan.

Permulaan cerita yang agak slow menceritakan mengenai "eagle of the desert" memang menarik minat. Penceritaan membawa penonton untuk membezakan antara dua dunia yang wujud, satu di kota dan satu di padang pasir yang masih mengekalkan konsep cina lama. Satu konsep cerita yang menarik.

Apabila filem ni menceritakan pasal "the sandstorm legion", aku dapat tengok sesuatu yang menarik. Tapi setakat tu je.

Secara keseluruhan, plot cerita tidak diolah dengan baik, menimbulkan unsur yang sangat membosankan sepanjang perjalanan cerita. Ni merupakan filem pertama aku tengok, berunsurkan treasure hunting tapi takde watak antagonis yang masuk dan cuba dapatkan treasure tu.

Honestly, it's really lame to think bout it. Pada permulaan cerita QiaoFei cuba menyelamatkan anak master Tu (ye kot malas nak ingat nama sebab boring). Pastu QiaoFei bawak berita yang Master Tu dah mati dibunuh sebab ada orang nak peta ancient city yang ada treasure tu. Pembunuhan tu dilakukan dengan tak menarik langsung. Dan lawaknya, pembunuh master Tu tak pernah muncul dan tak pernah pulak nak kejar untuk dapatkan peta tu semula. Pembunuhan tu macam satu lawak yang dibuat-buat. Ke bapak dia muncul balik? pastu ketawa hahaha korang kena tipu! pa pe la, yang penting memang cam bongok gak arr sebab dia sampai ke kota lama tu dengan mudahnya.

Dan watak QiaoFei agak membosankan sebab pengarah filem buatkan dia terlalu hebat berkungfu sampai tak leh nak kalahkan. Mana aci kan? Ni membuatkan cerita tu jadi bosan, panjang tapi sangat bosan. Aku dapat tau cerita ni ditulis oleh 5 orang penulis skrip. Ok, so banyak sangat kepala pun tak ley pakai rupanya. Baik sorang je tulis.

Watak Eagle dalam cerita ni jugak cam xde peranan. Muncul masa mula pastu muncul untuk serang QiaoFei dan bawak awek balik. Ceh. Kung Fu terer untuk tu je ke? Tapi serius, kalau tanya aku dari segi kesesuaian watak, mungkin jay chou ok la untuk watak QiaoFei, tapi kalau tanya dari segi rupa, aku rasa, Baron Chen lagi smart untuk pegang watak QiaoFei. (Baron Chen pegang watak Eagle).

Aku expect Eagle tu sebab nama dia Eagle of the DEsert, nanti bila ada orang ceroboh kota lama tu, dan QiaoFei kalah (bagi la dia kalah, tak kalah langsung, apa kes), dia datang untuk protect kota tu. Bantu QiaoFei. Watak yang sangat lame. Lawan2 sket, pastu tertikam awek dia, terus balik. Dan sandstorm legion tu, at least kan, bila diorang dah masuk, serang la balik. =.= cam tak de pa pe je orang ceroboh.

Camni arr. Kalau aku yang tulis cerita tu, aku akan buat cerita tu camni. Ok fine bapak dia kena bunuh, now time for the killer to be revealed. At least, muncul kejar QiaoFei untuk dapatkan peta tu semula. Lawan suma bla bla. Pastu ikut jalan cerita dia. Lepas dapat map daripada Kampung Pengembara, orang jahat tu ikut lagi track diorang. unfortunately, sandstorm legion muncul. So orang jahat tu serang dan bunuh semua sandstorm legion. Tak kesahlah guna nuklear ke, peluru berpandu ke, mercun naga ke, yang penting diorang mati.

Dia masuk. Ok of course QiaoFei kena lepasi jugak sandstorm legion. So dia lawan la jugak tapi tak dapat bunuh diorang. Dia terlepas masuk dalam kota lama tu, kena lawan patung bergerak ke. Pastu orang jahat tu dapat masuk gak dan hancurkan semua tu. Sampai kat bilik last, tinggal QiaoFei, pompuan tu, master hua, dengan laki sorang lagi. Tapi orang jahat tu ramai lagi. So diorang diserang oleh orang jahat tu.

Lawan punya lawan, sehebat-hebat QiaoFei mana bley lawan ramai-ramai, so dia kalah. Masa orang jahat tu nak buka treasure tu, Eagle pun datangla dengan Dao Dao. Tak kisahla dramatik ke tak, kuar bom meletup-letup ke tak, tapi dia dapat tendang orang jahat tu ke belakang untuk protect harta karun tu. Pastu dia cakap tugas dia protect ni bla bla n nak tolong QiaoFei. So QiaoFei berganding bahu dengan Eagle, maka ramai-ramai orang jahat tu pun kalah.

Tinggal ketua orang jahat dengan dia punya general tertinggi, so diorang lawan, QiaoFei dengan ketua, Eagle dengan sorang lagi dan Dao Dao dengan sekor lagi. Pastu buatla Eagle tertikam ke apa ke. Sebab dia dengan QiaoFei kawan baik, jadi QiaoFei jadi geram dan lawan. Well lebih banyak aksi kung fu yang menarik daripada cerita camtu je kan?

Pastu dia kalahkan diorang semua dan dia cuba claim treasure tu. Tapi muncul pahlawan hantu yang kata protect kota lama tu dan lawan dia, dia kalah. So bla bla dia cakap dengan diorang. Pastu sambung la sesuka hati.

Kan menjadi? sapa lagi power? heh XD

Sunday, May 2, 2010

0 Endangered Species!

Oh ok, what the hell. Don't u ever think I'll start talking bout tigers n rhinos n everything. It's not about that ok?

I'm not saying I have no love bout nature but it's kinda lame to keep talking bout those. So well here, what my point is, the OTHER endangered species. I browsed a forum (u know what my enthusiastic on) and I found this topic. Well good choice of word to attract my attention (at least they tried and it works). The topic was about Endangered Species (definitely not tiger or rhino). Well it's a game.

So if any of you have tried massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG), like World of Warcraft, etc etc (I give WoW as the example because that's my first MMORPG), you will start to notice that the game is lack of healer. That's the endangered species means here.

Healer in a game like WoW, acts as a person that keeps the health of the party member at their highest. Healers main concern is tank. Tank took the damage from monsters and bosses while keeping the aggro on them, and healer will keep the tank safe. The other party member will act as damage dealer to kill the monster faster. They also have buff that will benefit the party member and have the power to resurrect the dead party members.

In the game I currently play, Shin Megami Tensei, this lot is called as enhancer. This job is the most important job in high level dungeons with their amazing buff that can increase party attack power and also raises their defenses. Not to mention, a high level enhancer can cast a mirror that can reflect enemy's attack. Without a decent enhancer, team member will get wipeout real fast. With enhance the damage their received is cut according to the intelligence level of the enhancer.

Healer or enhancer, both plays important role. WoW and shin megami tensei are two distinct game, yet, the role of both classes are always in demand. From my personal experience, the number of healer and enhancer on both games are low, causing some runs to actually hindered. Some people might actually need to shout for hours to get their healer or enhancer.

The question is why, less people takes this challenging job? Simply to answer, as myself, I love attacking than just sitting around. For example in WoW, a very good tank can actually take down a boss without needing a healing after all. This tank however, has a very strong defenses. With this type of tank, healer job is kinda loosened a bit.

Second, ok this is the craziest thing I've ever done. When I choose to make a holy priest in WoW, it never came out through my mind how am I going to level him. When I started to get higher in level, then I realized the quest is more and more challenging than ever. When I mention the path I've taken to level up, most of my guildmate was kinda surprise. They were like, "Ok, I can imagine how a resto druid or a resto shaman level up, but a holy priest??". Yes they were right. Restoration druid have a special ability to shapeshift as a bear or a tiger that can help them do a lot of damage while Restoration shaman have totems that can cast firebolt and they have enchantment that can strengthen their weapon. As for holy priest, your best bet to hit is only with Smite or Holy Fire. What else?

Third, some people might already tried to become a healer, but they might be demotivated by some people. Well when people die in a dungeon, the word like, "NOOB HEALER!" will pop out. And all the swearing start. This kind of word might actually demotivate people to become a healer. I must say, being a good healer is not easy. Those that actually said that is actually those that haven't try to be a healer. You can say everything you want, but when you start to become a healer, you'll understand the path they've taken. To be honest, I've been hit with that kind of word once. I would blame that person back. It's his fault to actually take the aggro from the tank. And it's also the tank's fault who actually can't hold the aggro well. When people ask, then when actually is the healer's fault? I'd say, healer can be blamed when the tank died while their healing only focus on him or they actually being afk without even saying a thing to party member.

I played healer and I played enhancer. Both classes are important in a group. Lately, with the sucks connection from streamyx, I had to reject some of the offers to do runs. I dun want them to die because of my lag.

And above all, that actually shows how healer or enhancer are on demand.

WEll look at here :


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