Tuesday, June 25, 2013

0 Impression and Expression

So let's talk about impression and expression. I think everyone enjoys music. Doesn't matter whatever genre that you like, there is always reason why you like that kind of genre. As for me, I go for ballad, rock ballad, pop and r&b. Ever since I started learning music, I couldn't help but to find out what kind of genre that particular is in.

I've been getting a lot of comments from my family bout me listening to chinese radio (ONE Fm is my favorite). Well yes, I wanted to improve my mandarin through listening though I still find it hard to understand. My mandarin is not yet at the stage where that word can be processed instantly when I listened to it. But let's leave it to that. The main reason I've been listening to chinese radio is because of the songs.

Chinese songs, when I listened to most of them in One Fm fits in the genres I like. Of course, other artists are just as talented. But as I try not to flame our local artists, we can produce better music. I've always liked Ombak Rindu. It is one of the best malay songs ever produced.

However, that very difference is that, almost, almost every chinese song that I like have this very beautiful lyrics. Beautiful lyric that even one touch trying to translate it into another language would ruin the song. That's the strong side of it. As of now, this element has started to fade out from our local industries. We're losing this beautiful lyric, to the point that, if the song is composed with beautiful lyric, that song would sound very odd to listen to.

And as I go deeper into music, I started to notice that, I started to give more attention to this so called expression. It is something that only happens when you throw yourself inside the song. I've started to judge every singers I listened to base on that. If I'm watching the music video, I will close my eyes to reach the song. If I got goosebumps, then the feeling reached me well and that also portrays how the singer has thrown himself/herself inside the song.

But of course, judging is extremely easy. Because you can just enjoy and judge whatever people are doing because you are not standing at their very spot. Regardless I think, for a singer to give the expression of the song is not that hard. Because I know as I am doing something harder.

At least, singers have the song lyrics that will help you to interpret the music. That actually helps them to understand that song even better. Imagine if what you are playing is just a piece of music sheet, without lyric, with just that bulat-bulat thing and the bulat thing with tail. Na zenmeban? (aha one malaysia kan? zheli you quanbu de yu. yang aku tahu je).

If you ever read piano sheet, then you can see there's an indication by every composers, on how to play that part. But the hard part is to get into the song that you don't know how you are supposed to express. Just based on the part of either it is forte or whatever, you are going to play it, giving the dynamic and expression of the song.

I notice how hard it is when I try it but yes, because you experienced, you are longing for more expressions and more emotion when you listen to someone singing. I had a talk with my fellow "singers" friend (well we were in the same group back then). He asked about someone that sang on youtube channel for some sort of competition.

I simply put, he got good voice, amazing vocal control, but he failed the emotion. I can't feel it. As the emotion started to build up, it went down. And I think the minus for that video is that he used too much, err well, what do you say it in english, well whatever. Its arabic now: burdah. Aha! Well burdah is some sort of vocal shake, I guess I can say that. It works very well in Qasidah, Nasyeed, Irama Asli. But as you sing other kind of song, adding burdah actually could drag down the song. Forget about originality, yes, you are giving your new breath to it, but it doesn't goes well with every song. Keep it moderate, and it'll be better.

I used to sing with burdah myself because I was in nasyeed and my teenage years was filled in with nasyeed songs and I used to learn Qasidah for Al-Quran recitation. So my vocal was pretty much build up to carry burdah to the point that I used to sing Melly Goeslow song Ku Bahagia with burdah and one of my friends told me not to ruin that song.

So yeah, I started to adjust to it because not every song will sound nice with burdah. Now I removed burdah from singing and only use during Al-Quran recitation. Just keep the song moderate and stay as it is. Ad lib is okay but not burdah. But make sure you made a good ad lib though.

P.S.: Its hard to give the emotion

Thursday, June 13, 2013

0 Historical Drama

Ahoyy~~ dah lama xupdate blog ni sejak zaman pilihanraya hari tu. Jadi hari ni terdetik nak update. Sebab-sebab terasa nak update:

1. nak study, mood tgh tak sync padahal exam lagi 2 hari ~_~;;
2. nak maen game rasa bersalah, jadi update blog. hahaha

Jadi hari ni, masa tengah lunch td kt rumah, bukak 8tv. Letih la kan dok tgk citer indon tv3. Berjela2 panjang setiap episod, cam org ckap tak tahu bila nak berenti. So tadi bukak 8tv ada historical drama china. Ak jarang tengok pn. Tgk gitu2 je. Td je melekat jap. Dan sambil tengok terfikir dan compare. Yup, otak memang kena slalu berfikir sbb satu english proverb ada ckp, "an idle mind is the devil's workshop".

Drama ni drama raja dulu2 la kan. Konflik istana semua etc. Apa yg buatkan aku terfikir, drama lama-lama camni sbenarnya sangat bagus sbb salah satunya, dia bwk mesej kpd golongan yg kita sbut sbgai "decision maker". Masa tengok td, maharaja tu ckp kat anak dia, "Raja ibarat matahari kepada rakyat jelata. Kalaupn matahari tu terbenam, ia akan terbit semula. Raja perlu menyayangi rakyat, tak kisahla siapa pn yg jadi raja." Bu guan shui shi dawang, bla bla bla. haha, ok ak xdgr sgt ayat dia, abaikan broken mandarin tu.

Bila tengok part tu, aku terus rasa, kita sepatutnya ada lebih banyak drama seperti ni. Mengingatkan kita sbg rakyat, kita perlu tahu ciri bagaimana pemimpin sepatutnya jadi. Bila aku biarkan tergantung camni, nnti ada cakap, kita patut contohi Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan para sahabat. Ye, aku xnafi. Tapi berapa % orang yg nak baca tu. Sebab media tu sebagai satu medium sekarang, kita boleh guna medium tersebut untuk menyampaikan mesej sebegini.

Mungkin golongan yg memerintah tak menonton, tp in case, secara tak sengaja, tertonton, diorang jugak akan menerima energi daripada cerita sebegini.

Soalan paling mudah, bila kali terakhir, produser filem kt malaysia, menghasilkan drama bercirikan sejarah camni? Jujur ayat aku, kita xperlu pn nak buat drama berdasarkn fakta ataupun mitos yang dah sedia ditulis macam Puteri Gunung Ledang, Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, etc. Bukannya semua drama yg diorang hasilkan tu berdasarkan fakta.

Imaginasi melebihi fakta yg ditulis. Tak cukup kreatif kah pengarah kita untuk hasilkan drama bercirikan sebegini? Jujurnya aku bosan dgn drama "tipikal" melayu yang berlonggok-longgok kat tv tu. nak terus buat? fine teruskan. Tapi cuba hasilkan kembali drama zaman dulu-dulu. Jujur aku cakap. kali terakhir aku tengok cerita berlatar belakangkan zaman dulu2 kt tv, drama melayu, masa aku sekolah rendah. Tu yg terakhir. Aku ingat lagi citer tu pukul 9 kt tv2 hari jumaat. Cerita persilatan.

Kalau nampak silat terbang2, org kata tipu sebab ni drama melayu? so what? teknologi dah advance, idea pengarah je yg makin mundur. Teduhan kasih la, pa pe lagi tah, aduhaii. sadis la. aku geli la tgk drama-drama cmtu byk sgt. nak muntah pn ada, cam xberkembang.

Alright, pe kata kita compare dgn drama-drama korea? diorang buat drama cinta, diorang buat drama air mata, tp dalam masa yg sama, diorang jugak menghasilkan drama sejarah yg berkualiti malah ada yg cukup power untuk tenggelamkan drama-drama cinta laen. Sekarang, Gu Family Book highest rating setiap minggu. drama The Moon That Embraces The Sun, drama Jang Ok Jung, drama Horse Doctor, drama Mandate of Heaven, Jeon Woo Chi, Bridal Mask, The Great Seer, Arang and The Magistrate, etc etc.

Banyak giler nak list smua, tp sepanjang menghasilkan byk giler drama cinta yg digilai ramai org2 (muda), diorg hasilkan drama-drama macam ni dengan idea yang tercetus. Apakah pengarah kita tak cukup kompeten untuk menghasilkan drama sebegini? Ke sebab kita ni dah tak cukup sangat penulis skrip yang mampu menulis skrip dalam bahasa klasik? Sadis kan. Dah lama sangat bercakap I, U dalam drama tetiba buat drama camni kena ckp hamba, tuan hamba, gerangannya, istilah shahtiayat yang mulia dan sebagainya. hahaha.

Bahasa klasik aku pn dah berkarat tp sekurang-kurangnya, masih mampu mengerti kalau dengar. Pecahkan la bekas tipikal tu dan cubala hasilkan drama camni drpd asyik drama, kena dera, menangis, laki tak suka jadi suka, suka itu, suka ini, mengumpat itu dan ini, benci sebab pmpuan tu suka laki yang dia suka. Ak dah nak termuntah dengan drama camni. Aku lagi respek sapa tu yang buat filem pasal hubungan homo tu sebab berani pecah bekas tipikal tu. Kalau akhir cerita yg "taboo" bagi masyarakat tu bwk mesej yg baik apa salahnya? daripada terus-terus kena sumbat dgn drama cam yg ada skrg.

P.S: buweek, nak muntah jap.

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